Monday, December 2, 2013

High/Low Rustic Wreath

High Wreaths:Pottery Barn/Williams Sonoma

For the last couple of years I have made a fresh wreath for our front door. Wreaths can be very expensive, so I have come up with an easy and inexpensive alternative.

Take a $15.00 wreath from Costco...remove the bow.

 Buy a bunch of magnolia leaves at Walmart for $4.77. Snap the bunch into smaller bunches.

Get out your trusty glue gun and glue up the ends of the magnolia and then shove ends into wreath making sure the leaves go in the same direction as greenery. So simple! If you don't have a glue gun run out to your local dollar store and get one now. Be careful not to burn yourself, or ruin your manicure.

Then run outside with scissors (actually don't run with scissors) and cut anything green. 
Your neighbours won't mind.
Cut up green thing into smaller pieces and glue ends and shove into wreath.

And this is what you get!! 
I was very tempted to bling it out with red balls and sparkly ribbon, but I resisted the temptation and went with the rustic look. I am really pleased with how it turned out.

Now go and make one and send me a photo, I would love to see your creations!

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